Since I've gotten more and more passionate about wine I've become more acutely aware how much everyday experiences are impacted by the bigger picture, the larger context at play. With wine I find it's not just about the juice, but what you are eating while drinking it, if you are celebrating a special occasion with a great group, or if you just want to unwind on your porch after a long week.
This year I've made a resolution to make the most of every experience I can and to stay ahead of the economic fray; I'm committed to maximizing every opportunity. This spring I'm orchestrating a bit of fun not only for me and fellow wine lovers, but also for those who are ready to bust out their spring spirit donning a piece or two of this year's finest fashions....
Jump on over to WickedLocal today to learn more about a Wine & Style event I'm co-hosting with The Stylish Eye next week. Come on... you know you're ready to put a little spring in your step! Join us!