Newport Wine FestivalSeptember bridges summer and fall. I'm a personal fan of the former and never too excited about the latter because that just means cold weather is on its way. Fortunately in the wine trade, there is a silver lining: fall wine tasting events abound! Here's a list of what's on tap in/around Boston in the coming weeks: Sept 17 (6pm - 8pm)

The folks over at The Wine Bottega are unleashing their wine mojo to the masses once again. Join them for their Loire Valley Abbondanza, featuring more than 15 wines from this uniquely diverse region. They tell me "rules are made to be broken, so we thought we would venture out of Italy and into France for this month’s Abbondanza. The wines of the Loire Valley are simply too varied (and delicious) to fit into a regular Friday tasting. We thought we would put together a killer line up from Muscadet to Sancerre and all the favorites in between. This will be a Francophilic spectacular the likes of which have never been seen at The Bottega. Don’t miss it! ($10/person)

Sept 20 (3pm - 6pm)

13th Annual Grape Stomp and Jazz Festival at Truro Vineyards in North Truro, MA. "As part of a larger Truro Treasures weekend, we will once again host our jazz festival and grape stomp on Sunday, September 20th from 3-6 PM. Come sit beneath the Chinese Mulberry tree, listen to local jazz greats and sip wine by the vines. Admissions is free."

Sept 25-27

Newport Mansions Food & Wine Festival Here's what they're saying about it: "Presented by Food & Wine, this spectacular event will feature more than 400 wines from around the world and cooking demonstrations by celebrity chefs Jacques Pépin, Joanne Weir, David Burke and more culinary experts." Click here for more info and to get your tickets today (and be sure to poke around the web for discount codes...).

Sept 29

All New England 3rd Annual Farm-Fresh Funky Feeding Frenzy @ Craigie on Main. From their lips to our ears, here's what to expect:  "a 5-course dinner with wine pairings. We have thrown down a challenge to ourselves and pledge to meet it: every single offering on the menu will have been grown, raised or caught within our New England borders."

Will you plan to attend one of these events? Which other ones have caught your attention this month?
