
February Wicked Wines - just in time for Valentine's Day...

Whether you subscribe to the Valentine’s Day marketing machine or are just anxious for flowers to start popping up this spring, these February picks are sure to set your heart a’flutt’ah! But beware! Their versatility makes them great year round. Each of these is sure to transform your impression of what sparkling wines (and pink ones at that) are ALL about! Pop over to Wicked Local to see what I'm so excited about...

Which wine get credit as your first "Ah-Ha" rose moment?



This week in wine, food and beverage

I perused the world wide web this week to see if I could find any good juice to whet your whistle in anticipation of the  Super Bowl on Sunday, in the way of wine, anyway. For me it is a" holiday" wholly dedicated to enjoying absolutely delicious beers, as you gear up for whatever main meal you may be dishing up (for me it will be homemade pizza, with roast chicken, fresh basil, mozzarella and pineapple).  Maybe I'll open a bottle of some exceptional vino to pair with my dinner, but more likely I'll be digging into the Ommegang Abbey Ale - a wine lovers beer, in my humble opinion, because it offers such an intriguing, inviting nose, a round texture and layer upon layer of flavor. What I found instead was some intriguing news about the world famous Ferran Adria, of Spain's El Bulli. He's taking a little break - and the "reason" up for grabs, according to the press.

I was also pleased to see some great thinking and posturing by a couple of folks I respect in the wine writing world:

Check out this post by Joe Roberts/1WineDude regarding a recent listing in the Sommelier Journal about  top picks for 2009. He makes a great point about the price tag on these recommended wines, but I disagree with his conclusion that "the pros don't find the experience delivered by those bargains to be all that memorable". Given the audience of the Journal in particular, I have to imagine some of these folks are posturing among their peers. In addition, top restaurants operate on a completely different buying scale. I could go on, but the bottom line is I think if you asked a broader selection of Soms around the country the same question, the outcome would be changed. We might have to revisit this topic sometime...

Last but not least, I was happy to read Dr. Vino's article on the up-and-coming Blaufrankish varietal (aka Lemberger). Check out his musings here.

Which beverage will be in hand for you this Sunday?



Wine Apps

With ‘App Fever’ catching on seemingly as quickly as swine flu, those of us in the wine world can’t help but wonder if the tools out there are really revolutionizing the wine tracking and selecting worlds. There are myriad apps to choose from, of course. Some are designed to help you better organize your notes and/or your wine cellar. (Who doesn’t love a little organization?) Others are designed to help you figure out which wine might pair with your meal when out to eat, or help expand your wine horizons by guiding you to something familiar – but different. Some do both. Some do more. But is there a simpler way that embraces what wine does by nature, aka socialization?



Wine Tasting 101

We've had an insane week here at Pour Favor what with the Boston Wine Expo winemakers and other exhibitors in town. It's weeks like this I am grateful for the folks in my network who find juicy tidbits online and forward them to my attention, just checking to be sure I haven't missed them. It's a great way for me to ensure I've got my finger on the pulse of what interests other people, too. So this week, enjoy these two "fan favorite" articles! First up - Tasting is as Tasting Does, aka "My Rating? I Like It!". Check out this great piece by Katy Mclaughlin over at the Wall Street Journal. This is precisely the kind of thing I'm talking about when it comes to picking out a wine (more on that Monday!).

SanTasi, photo care of their homepage
SanTasi, photo care of their homepage

Next - Now this is something I might have benefited from this past week myself (if only it also had protein and electrolytes!): a liquid Palate Cleanser. Check it out!

Would you be more likely to purchase a wine if it had a "Fan Favorite" thumbs up, rather than 90+ points?



Massachusetts wine laws back in the news (and wine events of note!)

Say cheese! Thanks for this image go to: news! Massachusetts continues to get its act together in the wonderful world of wine (whether the powers that be like it or not). It's looking like finally, after three+ years of duking it out in the courts, out-of-state wineries of any shape or size can choose to ship directly to consumers. Read Wine & Spirits Daily's synopsis (and somewhat surprising take on the matter...) here! And, of course, we can't let today go by without mentioning the biggest wine event in Boston happening this weekend: the Boston Wine Expo! You can still get tickets to this well-known event, but if you do, be sure to check out my  Survival Guide to make the most of your experience.

Last but not least, if you're in the hood and not just a wine nerd, but also a gourmet cheese aficionado, be sure to attend Ball Square Fine Wines' "Expansion Celebration" event this TUESDAY, Jan. 22, from 5:30-7:30pm.

Did I miss a wine tidbit or event this week? What's on your vino screen?



Wine aeration gizmos - are these tools all they're cracked up to be?

Metrokane AeratorAerators seemed to be The Big Thing over the holidays. Whether considered the perfect gift or the best party trick going, I was entertained to find the original aerator, produced by Vinum, on hand at every holiday party I attended. I even received Metrokane’s Rabbit aerator as a gift! All of this enthusiasm got me thinking: is this little gadget worth all the fuss and, if so, which of these two products is superior? Pop on over to Wicked Local today to get my take!

Have you experimented with these new aeration tools, i.e. not decanters? Which one have you tried and did it win your favor?



Fun with wine in 2010

Sarah Pailin, is that you?
Sarah Pailin, is that you?

So let's start 2010's wine news and trends Friday post with the most laughable wine headline of the year to date: Sarah Palin is speaking at this year's Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America (WSWA) conference. I usually try to avoid judging too harshly in this blog - but really? REALLY? Come on.... If you're planning on attending this annual event, I beg you to report back here after. Better yet, make sure you have a glass of wine in hand while you listen. You're going to need it! Silicon Valley's Jessica Yadegaran has a better idea... giving her opinion on what's sure to be a hit in 2010. Check out her article on wine trends and see if you concur!

Last but not least, a man after my own heart, Dr. Vino has gotten to the heart of the matter with his recent post on appropriate wine pairings to enjoy the last of football season - with 7 Layer Dip (um, Albarino people!). See what others suggest here!

What would you rather do: get Sarah's opinion on the trade or taste test the best pairing with 7 Layer Dip?



January's Wicked Wines!

January 2010 Wicked WinesAnd.... we're back! What better way to come back from the holidays than to find out this month's Wicked Wine picks? I figure it's worth celebrating the end of 2009 with some truly wonderful selections you can snuggle up to on the coldest nights of the winter. Pop on over to Wicked Local to see what I have up my sleeve!

Does your New Years resolution have anything to do with wine? If so, what have you decided to pursue in 2010?


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Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles! A quick guide to sparkling wine.

bubbly cork flyingChances are you’ve been tasting a bit of bubbly if you’ve been attending holiday wine tasting events or other parties around town. Sparkling wine comes in several different packages, but there are three main ones: Cava, Prosecco and Champagne – with domestic sparkling wines made in the style of French Champagne. There is literally something for every occasion! Pop on over to Wicked Local to get the inside scoop on all things bubbles - and then enjoy your holiday festivities. We'll see you after the New Year!

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December Wicked Wines will thrill you, guests, hosts

Dec.09.WickedWinesDecember is one of my favorite months for enjoying wine. Festivities abound and the cold and snow are still welcome friends. It’s also a time to wax nostalgic as we think about all that’s transpired over the last 12 months – and anticipate a new chapter soon to come. There are ample wines for gussying up and heading out the door in your “Sunday best” to enjoy the company of good friends and family. And there are wines for snuggling up by the fire because it’s just so tempting to stay in! Pop over to Wicked Local to learn more about the Wicked (good) Wines for you and yours to enjoy this December! What do you think? Did we hit the nail on the head this month?
